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No Recovery, Nothing Owed.


The Florida Law Group

New Year’s Eve signifies the end of the holiday season and the beginning of another chapter in life.

Most people celebrate by consuming alcohol and going to festive events to countdown the New Year. Unfortunately, there are more alcohol-related car accidents on New Year’s Eve/Day compared to most other nights.

While the overall number of drunk driving fatalities has decreased by approximately 50% since 1980, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day still continues to be associated with a high number of Drunk driving accidents and deaths. According to several studies, there are 71% more collisions with alcohol or drugs as a contributing factor between 6 PM on December 31st and 6 AM on January 1st.

The following are statistics and facts regarding drunk driving during New Year’s Eve/Day:

  • New Year’s Day is the second most fatal day for drivers, with an average of 140 deaths annually.
  • From 2008 to 2012, January 1st is the day of the year with the highest percentage of fatalities related to alcohol.
  • On New Year’s Day, half of the fatal collisions involve a motorist who was considered intoxicated.
  • January 1st even overtook July 4th in drunk driving arrests
  • Alcohol is a contributing factor to nearly half of all traffic-related accidents

Were You Injured by a Drunk Driver on New Year’s Day?

Our Tampa car accident lawyers at The Florida Law Group have helped countless of clients recover the compensation they deserve after being involved in a collision with a drunk driver. Once we determine that the at-fault driver was intoxicated at the scene of the accident, we can use that as evidence to demonstrate negligence and obtain monetary damages. With more than 100 years of combined experience, we possess the extensive knowledge of Florida driving laws to guide you through the intricacies of the legal system while you make a successful recovery from injury.
