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No Recovery, Nothing Owed.


The Florida Law Group

Thousands of people sustain dog bite injuries in the United States every year. Not only are these injuries physically painful, but they can be extremely expensive to treat as well. In fact, the average amount paid out for dog bite claims in Florida was $38,356 in 2010, making Florida the state with the highest cost-per-incident. Children are most affected by dog bites, with 60 percent of all injuries inflicted on kids under the age of 12. State Farm Insurance has called dog bites a “serious public health problem,” having paid out $90 million in dog bite claims in 2010 alone (the industry total is above $400 million annually!)

Without prompt medical treatment, dog bites can become infected and lead to serious complications. Furthermore, they may result in emotionally damaging scarring and disfigurement. Who pays for these damages? Here’s what you need to know about dog bite liability in Florida.

Who is Liable for Damages After a Florida Dog Attack?

When it comes to dog bites, Florida is a “strict liability” state, which means that a dog owner can be held liable if their dog bites someone, regardless of whether they had any knowledge that the dog may bite.

Florida law states that a dog owner can be held liable for injuries if:

  • Their dog bites another person
  • The person is in a public place of lawfully in a private place

The law only specifies injuries caused by dog bites, but a victim may still be able to recover if he/she can prove that the dog owner’s negligence caused their injury. For example, if a person sustains a head injury after bring knocked down by a large dog, they may still be able to seek compensation.

Note that if the victim is found to have antagonized or provoked the dog, they will not be able to recover compensation. The victim may also be barred from seeking a recovery if they were unlawfully on the property where they were attacked (trespassing.)

Bitten by a dog in Florida? A Tampa dog bite lawyer at The Florida Law Group is prepared to review your potential case for free. Tell us about your accident when you call our office at (833) 899-0310.