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No Recovery, Nothing Owed.

Protecting Your Rights After a Truck Accident

Yellow semi-truck

Truck accidents are often traumatizing. If you have been involved in a truck accident, you are bound to feel—at best—overwhelmed and you may have no idea how to proceed. After seeking immediate medical attention, it is always a good idea to retain an experienced Florida truck accident attorney who knows how to protect your rights as a truck accident victim.

There are also several important guidelines to keep in mind during those hours immediately following your truck accident, which can be crucial to the success of your claim. Some things to remember include the following:

Do Not Allow Yourself to Be Intimidated

If you have been in an accident, you are no doubt reeling and disoriented, but do not let the at-fault party intimidate you. This applies to the truck driver, the trucking company, the company’s insurance provider or attorney, and any other representative of these parties. If someone else’s negligence caused you harm, you have the legal right to seek and obtain just compensation from that liable party. It is often a good idea to put communications with other parties on hold for your attorney to handle.

Do Not Sign Anything

While the truck company or a representative of the company may try to pressure you into signing your rights away with a “fair” settlement, you should never sign anything until your truck accident lawyer advises you to do so. This is another instance in which you should have a legal professional reviewing all offers and communications to ensure that you are fairly compensated for the entirety of your losses—including financial, physical, and emotional losses.  

Do Not Delay

Do not wait to discuss filing an insurance claim or personal injury claim with an attorney. When you delay filing, it becomes more likely that crucial evidence in support of your case will erode, lose credibility, or be lost entirely. Contact a skilled truck accident attorney as soon as you are able to do so after an accident.

Do Not Volunteer Information

It is not the time to voluntarily tell your side of the story to a representative of the trucking company or their insurer following a truck accident—this innocently offered information could actually hurt your case later. Rely on your personal injury attorney to share what needs to be shared regarding your claim.

These represent important guidelines that can help you recover the compensation you are entitled to after a truck accident. If you have been injured in a truck accident, you need to take care of you while your truck crash attorney takes care of your claim. 

If You Have Been Injured in a Truck Accident, Contact a Tampa Truck Accident Lawyer Today

At the Florida Law Group, we are here to help you move past the trauma of your truck accident and to obtain just compensation for your losses. We have the experience, skill, and dedication to fight for your rights and for your rightful recovery. For a free consultation, give us a call at (833) 899-0310 or today.
