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Staying Safe on the 4th of July—Part 2

Fireworks and a ferris wheel

In part one of this two-part blog series, we discussed staying safe at your Fourth of July party by practicing firework and grill safety. Unfortunately, these are not the only injury risks associated with Independence Day. These additional safety tips will help you stay as safe as possible during this Fourth. In the event that you suffer an injury in an accident, speak to one of our lawyers as soon as you can to fully protect your legal rights.

Don’t Drink and Drive

This may prove the single most important piece of safety advice you can follow this Fourth of July weekend. Not only is drinking and driving against the law, it puts you and everyone around you at a serious risk of injury. If you plan to drink this Fourth of July, make arrangements for your transportation. Just leave your car at home, because alcohol will impair your judgment once you’re under the influence.

Look Out for Drunk Drivers

For many people, consuming alcohol is an essential part of their Fourth of July holiday. As a result, more drunk drivers take to the road around the Fourth than usual, so even if you don’t drink and drive, simply driving can increase your risk of a serious accident. To minimize your risk of a drunk driver hitting you, stay aware of your surroundings and avoid any erratic drivers. Look out for people driving too fast, too slowly, not staying in one lane, or signs of distraction like missing stop signs or failing to move at green lights. In addition, avoid areas with a high concentration of bars and restaurants where people may go to celebrate.

If You’re Getting on the Water, Practice Boat Safety

One of the great things about living in Tampa is the access that we have to the water, and many people in the area will get out on a boat this Fourth of July. According to the American Boating Association, the U.S. Coast Guard is urging everyone to use extra caution while boating this Fourth of July. In addition, the organization indicates that the Fourth of July, along with Labor Day and Memorial Day, usually account for more than one-third of all boating-related accidents and fatalities.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary offers the following tips to stay safe this summer holiday:

  • Always wear a life jacket—even if it’s hot
  • Make sure your boat is properly equipped and everything is functioning properly—including navigations lights
  • Prepare for emergencies—and do not use flares as fireworks!
  • Do not drink and drive a boat
  • Complete a float plan with a friend
  • Keep a lookout for other boats, weather, or anything unusual
  • Practice the three Cs—caution, courtesy, and common sense

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Preventable accidents often entitle victims to significant financial compensation. Under Florida law, people who are hurt by the negligence of others can typically recover compensation for their losses, including their medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and property damage. To speak with an injury lawyer in Tampa and learn whether you have a claim, call The Florida Law Group today at (833) 899-0310 or send us an email through our online contact form.