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Staying Safe on the Fourth of July—Part 1

Fourth of July fireworks

This Fourth of July, thousands of people in the Tampa area will celebrate our nation’s independence. Traditional Independence Day celebrations often involve gathering with friends and family, watching fireworks shows, firing up backyard barbecues, getting out on the water, and other activities. While you may look forward to the upcoming holiday, remember that these things also expose you to the risk of serious injury. Here are some things you can do to keep yourself safe this Fourth of July.

Practice Firework Safety

For many people, fireworks are an essential part of the Fourth of July. Unfortunately, they are inherently dangerous and capable of causing serious injuries.

Exploding and flying fireworks are illegal in Florida, and you should always comply with the law. If you plan to set off legal fireworks, follow the safety tips provided by the National Council on Fireworks Safety:

  • Read all labels before igniting any fireworks you set off
  • A responsible adult should supervise all fireworks, and never give fireworks to children
  • Do not drink when using fireworks
  • Wear safety glasses
  • Use fireworks outside and away from buildings or vehicles
  • Do not relight dud fireworks
  • Keep water nearby
  • Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them into metal or glass containers
  • Do not use homemade fireworks
  • Get rid of spent fireworks by wetting them down and putting them into a metal trashcan away from anything that could catch on fire for a full day
  • It is illegal to possess and transport fireworks in checked or carry-on luggage
  • Report illegal fireworks to your local police or fire department

If You’re Grilling, Practice These Safety Tips

Grilling and Fourth of July celebrations go hand in hand for a lot of people. While delicious burgers and hot dogs may seem relatively safe, grilling creates both fire hazards and risks of burn injuries. The National Fire Protection Association provides these grilling safety tips to make your Fourth of July celebration as safe as possible:

  • Only use charcoal and propane grills outdoors
  • Place your grill away from your home, deck railings, eaves, and branches
  • Keep pets and children at least three feet from the grilling area
  • Keep your grill clean and remove grease buildup from the grills and trays
  • Never leave your grill unattended
  • Make sure your gas grill lid is open before igniting it

Call The Florida Law Group Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With a Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer

If you were hurt in an accident caused by someone else’s carelessness, discuss the matter with an attorney as soon as you can. The Florida Law Group has represented the rights of the injured for more than 30 years and knows how to get our clients the compensation to which they are entitled. Call (833) 899-0310 or online to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury attorney in Tampa.
