Five Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents
People are walking and jogging for their health more than ever, and perhaps especially now as stay-at-home orders dominate our way of life. However, an increase in pedestrian activity can also account for an uptick in pedestrian accidents and deaths. Because pedestrians lack the protection typical of someone inside of a car, a car accident involving a pedestrian can often result in a catastrophic injury or death. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, up to 5,000 pedestrians are killed and about 60,000 injured in traffic accidents each year.
While any pedestrian runs the risk of being hit by a vehicle, certain groups of people are at higher risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, teenagers and young adults, pedestrians walking under the influence, and males are more likely to be involved in pedestrian accidents than other people. It is likely that a lack of attention and safety causes these groups to be more susceptible to pedestrian accidents.
Pedestrians alone, however, aren’t responsible for traffic accidents. Motorists must obey traffic laws and exercise reasonable care, and take care to obey traffic signs and not take their eyes off the road. In fact, it is their negligence that often causes pedestrian accidents. Here are the most common causes of pedestrian accidents.
Distracted Driving
When drivers are talking on their cell phones, fussing with the radio, eating and drinking, or speaking with other passengers in the vehicle, they are taking their eyes and mind off the road and engaging in distracted driving. If a pedestrian darts in front of them in a split second moment in which they’re not paying attention, the consequences can be dire.
Speeding not only violates traffic laws but leads to greater incidents of pedestrian accidents. These accidents can also prove life-altering or even fatal due to the speed of the car involved. Drivers should always take care to pay attention to speeding limits in local or county areas, and exercise immense caution to ensure they are not violating these crucial speeding limits.
Drunk Driving
Drunk drivers are unable to control their mental faculties and therefore incidents of pedestrian accidents are far more likely. In some cases and depending on their blood alcohol level, drivers are almost entirely unconscious as they are attempting to maneuver the road. Sadly, pedestrian accidents involving drunk drivers are often also classified as hit-and-run, because the driver doesn’t even realize what they have done.
Failure to Stop or Yield
Drivers who roll through a stop sign or stoplight or who fail to understand that they must yield to pedestrians are an incredibly common cause of pedestrian accidents. Even if the pedestrian doesn’t have the right of way, drivers should always be careful when approaching intersections to avoid pedestrian accidents.
Weather Conditions
If weather conditions are severe and prevent a driver from taking care not to swerve on the road, a biker or pedestrian accident can often occur. When conditions are harsh or extreme, both motorists and pedestrians should avoid the road.
Contact our office today if you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident.

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