COVID-19 Update Safer at Home
“Safer at Home Order”: What You Need to Know
To continue to take the steps necessary to protect the citizens of Hillsborough County, including but not limited to the City of Tampa, and to further combat the spread of COVID-19, the Hillsborough County Emergency Policy Group issued Executive Order No. 2020-“Safer at Home Order”, ordering all citizens to stay at home as much as possible twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, except in those circumstances identified as essential individuals, business and services (defined below) and other stated exemptions.
The Bottom Line
Citizens of the City of Tampa and throughout Hillsborough County are “Safer At Home” and ordered to stay at home as much as possible twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, except in the following circumstances:
Exemptions that are expressly stated in the Executive Order (see below exemptions described as essential individuals, businesses and services);
Services or work that constitute essential infrastructure as defined in the Executive Order;
Personnel employed by an entity identified as one (1) of sixteen (16) critical infrastructure sectors by the Cyber-Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (see list below);
Businesses that are not expressly exempt and are able to maintain the required physical distancing (6 feet); and,
Individuals experiencing homelessness.
Go to the grocery, convenience or warehouse store
Go to the pharmacy or other medical establishments to pick up medications and other healthcare necessities
Go to medical appointments (but first, check with your doctor or medical provider)
Go to a restaurant for take-out or drive-thru
Care for or support a friend or family member
Take a walk, ride your bike, hike, jog and be in nature for exercise — just keep at least six (6) feet between you and others in the community
Walk your pets and, if necessary, take them to the veterinarian
Help someone to get necessary supplies
Go to work unless you are performing an Essential Service as defined below
Visit friends and family if there is no urgent need
Maintain less than six (6) feet of distance from others when you go out
Visit loved ones in the hospital, nursing home, skilled nursing facility, or other residential care facility

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