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5 New Year’s Resolutions For Injury Prevention, From Personal Injury Lawyers


28 Dec

5 New Year’s Resolutions For Injury Prevention, From Personal Injury Lawyers

Florida Law Group Tips

new year's resolution injury prevention

As we ring in the new year (can you believe it’s already 2023?), thousands of people across the country and the world are making resolutions that can help them live healthier and happier lives. Last year, about 23% of Americans surveyed literally said that their main goal for the year was to “live healthier”; it was the most popular New Year’s resolution. Following closely behind for 21% of Americans was “personal improvement or happiness”. 

There are many threats to Americans’ health and happiness, with accidents and injuries being one of the primary catalysts for pain, health complications, death, financial devastation, debt, bankruptcy, and depression. Accidental injuries are actually the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, coming only after heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19. If you want to have a happier and healthier year, avoiding accidents and injuries should be on your radar. Here are 5 New Year’s resolutions for injury prevention, from our experienced personal injury lawyers, that everyone should consider in order to keep themselves and their families safer in 2023!

1 – Check Your Home For Hazards

It is important for anyone to regularly check their homes for hazards in order to avoid unintentional injuries, but it is especially important if you have young children, or if you have guests in your home often. You are ultimately responsible for making sure your home is safe (in most cases). If there are hazards that go unattended to, you and your family and friends could suffer anything from bruises and cuts to broken bones to being paralyzed to dying. By frequently checking your home for potential hazards, you can take steps to eliminate or reduce the risk of injuries occurring.

Some common hazards that you should look for in your home include tripping hazards, such as loose carpets or rugs, electrical cords that are not properly secured, slippery stairs, and cluttered areas that can cause someone to trip and fall. You should also look for potential fire hazards, such as overloaded electrical outlets or items too close to candles, and ensure that all of your smoke detectors are working properly. Additionally, it is important to check for potential poisoning hazards, such as cleaning products or medications that are not properly stored out of reach of children. Injury prevention starts at home! 

2 – Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Properly Maintained

Reduce your chances of getting into a car crash this year by checking out that your car is safe! If you don’t maintain your vehicle (regularly getting the oil changed, refilling the coolant and brake fluid and power steering fluid, replacing the windshield wipers and brake pads, and getting other tune-ups), it is more likely to break down or have other issues that can lead to accidents. For example, if your tires are not properly inflated or your brakes are not functioning properly, you are at a higher risk of being involved in a collision. Your vehicle’s safety features may not perform as well as they should, which can also increase your risk of being involved in an accident. 

According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), an estimated 44,000 crashes annually are attributed to a lack of vehicle maintenance issues: 35 percent due to tire problems, 22 percent due to brake problems, 3 percent due to problems with steering/suspension/transmission/or engine-related issues, and 40 percent due to other issues. This January, take your car in for a tune-up and prevent potential problems that you may not even be aware of (and also potential accidents and injuries that could be a result of those problems). 

3 – Drive/Walk/Bike Safely, Predictably, & Defensively

Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of accidental injuries in the U.S. The NHTSA and the NSC estimate that between 2 million and 6 million people are seriously injured enough in vehicular collisions every year to require medical attention. You can’t always control the actions of other reckless drivers around you, but you can control what you do to keep yourself, your passengers, and others on the road safe. 

Be alert while driving – never drive drowsy or distracted or under the influence. Use your turn signal (and don’t assume that others are using theirs correctly). Make sure your vision isn’t obstructed in any way. Wear your seatbelt. If you’re riding a bicycle or motorcycle, wear a helmet (this could save your life). If you’re walking or jogging or running, especially at night, wear bright colors and stay on the sidewalk, if one is available, and use crosswalks. Essentially, exercise wisdom and caution whenever you are on the road, in whatever capacity; this is the best form of injury prevention when driving!

4 – Review & Update Your Insurance Policies

Insurance isn’t “injury prevention”, per say, but it is a way to ensure that your injuries are covered, should they be caused by someone else’s negligence or by other circumstances outside of your control. If you live in Florida, for example, where 1 in 4 drivers is on the road illegally without insurance, you should strongly consider getting an uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) policy to protect you from costs caused if you get hit by one of those drivers. You should also review your homeowner’s insurance policy, flood insurance policy (or lack thereof), and health insurance policies to make sure that – should the worst occur – you won’t have to worry about your finances and can focus on recovering. 

5 – Know A Personal Injury Lawyer You Can Trust

Even if you take all sorts of injury prevention actions, and have great insurance, if someone else causes your injuries, it’s in your best interests to work with a team of experienced, compassionate local personal injury lawyers who can give you reliable advice and ensure that you receive fair compensation that accurately reflects how much your injuries are worth! Before you get into an accident, it’s a great idea to have an idea of what firms are in your area and who you and your children would call if something happened to you. 

The Florida Law Group has been serving injured accident victims in Florida for nearly 40 years, and to date, we’ve recovered over $1 billion for our clients! We can negotiate or fight the insurance company and stand up for your legal rights. We can explain your options, handle all of the paperwork for you, and even connect you to quality medical care! Visit our website to learn more about our attorneys. Our greatest wish for you and your loved ones in 2023 is that you all stay safe (and hopefully these tips help!), but if you are injured in an accident, we’re here for you. Call us anytime to schedule a free consultation!

As we ring in the new year (can you believe it’s already 2023?), thousands of people across the country and the world are making resolutions that can help them live healthier and happier lives. Last year, about 23% of Americans surveyed literally said that their main goal for the year was to “live healthier”; it was the most popular New Year’s resolution. Following closely behind for 21% of Americans was “personal improvement or happiness”. 

There are many threats to Americans’ health and happiness, with accidents and injuries being one of the primary catalysts for pain, health complications, death, financial devastation, debt, bankruptcy, and depression. Accidental injuries are actually the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, coming only after heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19. If you want to have a happier and healthier year, avoiding accidents and injuries should be on your radar. Here are 5 New Year’s resolutions for injury prevention, from our experienced personal injury lawyers, that everyone should consider in order to keep themselves and their families safer in 2023!

1 – Check Your Home For Hazards

It is important for anyone to regularly check their homes for hazards in order to avoid unintentional injuries, but it is especially important if you have young children, or if you have guests in your home often. You are ultimately responsible for making sure your home is safe (in most cases). If there are hazards that go unattended to, you and your family and friends could suffer anything from bruises and cuts to broken bones to being paralyzed to dying. By frequently checking your home for potential hazards, you can take steps to eliminate or reduce the risk of injuries occurring.

Some common hazards that you should look for in your home include tripping hazards, such as loose carpets or rugs, electrical cords that are not properly secured, slippery stairs, and cluttered areas that can cause someone to trip and fall. You should also look for potential fire hazards, such as overloaded electrical outlets or items too close to candles, and ensure that all of your smoke detectors are working properly. Additionally, it is important to check for potential poisoning hazards, such as cleaning products or medications that are not properly stored out of reach of children. Injury prevention starts at home! 

2 – Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Properly Maintained

Reduce your chances of getting into a car crash this year by checking out that your car is safe! If you don’t maintain your vehicle (regularly getting the oil changed, refilling the coolant and brake fluid and power steering fluid, replacing the windshield wipers and brake pads, and getting other tune-ups), it is more likely to break down or have other issues that can lead to accidents. For example, if your tires are not properly inflated or your brakes are not functioning properly, you are at a higher risk of being involved in a collision. Your vehicle’s safety features may not perform as well as they should, which can also increase your risk of being involved in an accident. 

According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), an estimated 44,000 crashes annually are attributed to a lack of vehicle maintenance issues: 35 percent due to tire problems, 22 percent due to brake problems, 3 percent due to problems with steering/suspension/transmission/or engine-related issues, and 40 percent due to other issues. This January, take your car in for a tune-up and prevent potential problems that you may not even be aware of (and also potential accidents and injuries that could be a result of those problems). 

3 – Drive/Walk/Bike Safely, Predictably, & Defensively

Auto accidents are one of the leading causes of accidental injuries in the U.S. The NHTSA and the NSC estimate that between 2 million and 6 million people are seriously injured enough in vehicular collisions every year to require medical attention. You can’t always control the actions of other reckless drivers around you, but you can control what you do to keep yourself, your passengers, and others on the road safe. 

Be alert while driving – never drive drowsy or distracted or under the influence. Use your turn signal (and don’t assume that others are using theirs correctly). Make sure your vision isn’t obstructed in any way. Wear your seatbelt. If you’re riding a bicycle or motorcycle, wear a helmet (this could save your life). If you’re walking or jogging or running, especially at night, wear bright colors and stay on the sidewalk, if one is available, and use crosswalks. Essentially, exercise wisdom and caution whenever you are on the road, in whatever capacity; this is the best form of injury prevention when driving!

4 – Review & Update Your Insurance Policies

Insurance isn’t “injury prevention”, per say, but it is a way to ensure that your injuries are covered, should they be caused by someone else’s negligence or by other circumstances outside of your control. If you live in Florida, for example, where 1 in 4 drivers is on the road illegally without insurance, you should strongly consider getting an uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) policy to protect you from costs caused if you get hit by one of those drivers. You should also review your homeowner’s insurance policy, flood insurance policy (or lack thereof), and health insurance policies to make sure that – should the worst occur – you won’t have to worry about your finances and can focus on recovering. 

5 – Know A Personal Injury Lawyer You Can Trust

Even if you take all sorts of injury prevention actions, and have great insurance, if someone else causes your injuries, it’s in your best interests to work with a team of experienced, compassionate local personal injury lawyers who can give you reliable advice and ensure that you receive fair compensation that accurately reflects how much your injuries are worth! Before you get into an accident, it’s a great idea to have an idea of what firms are in your area and who you and your children would call if something happened to you. 

The Florida Law Group has been serving injured accident victims in Florida for nearly 40 years, and to date, we’ve recovered over $1 billion for our clients! We can negotiate or fight the insurance company and stand up for your legal rights. We can explain your options, handle all of the paperwork for you, and even connect you to quality medical care! Visit our website to learn more about our attorneys. Our greatest wish for you and your loved ones in 2023 is that you all stay safe (and hopefully these tips help!), but if you are injured in an accident, we’re here for you. Call us anytime to schedule a free consultation!
