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How To Win Your Florida Car Accident Case


28 Mar

How To Win Your Florida Car Accident Case

Florida Law Group Car Accidents, Tips

how to win your Florida car accident case

Being injured in a Florida car accident case can be devastating, but unfortunately, it is not an uncommon occurrence. In 2021 alone, the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reported that 252,562 people “sustained bodily hurt or damage…as a result of a traffic crash”.

Even a “minor” car accident can result in physical, financial, and emotional burdens; a crash that leaves you seriously injured can significantly impact your life, and not for the better. You may have to take weeks or months off of work to recover, missing out on pay or on overtime pay that you would otherwise have earned. You may have to pay for medical bills for things like ambulatory transport, emergency room care, imaging tests, surgeries, hospitalization, physical therapy, chiropractic care, counseling, medications, deductibles, copays, and more. Some injuries may never heal, leaving you permanently disabled and requiring lifelong care.

If you have been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you have the legal right to sue for all damages you sustained. This includes economic damages for the tangible costs of medical bills and lost wages discussed above, and also for non-economic damages, such as for the pain and suffering you endured as a result of your injuries, for the loss of enjoyment you now have for daily activities, and more. However, winning a car accident lawsuit is not always an easy task. As Florida car accident lawyers who have recovered over $1 billion in damages for injured car accident victims across the state and who are dedicated to winning car accident lawsuits, we know what it takes to successfully earn a fair settlement that accurately reflects how much your injuries are worth.

Here are our 6 best tips for how to win your Florida car accident case!

Call the police when the accident occurs.

We understand that the majority of people reading this blog are doing so after the accident occurred, so it may be too late for you to act on this tip. If the police weren’t called, it doesn’t mean you will lose your case, but if you or someone else did call the police, your chances of winning do increase! That’s because when police come to the scene of a car accident, they will make and file an official report. A report will include details about the crash, whether citations were issued, and the officer’s opinion (in many instances) about who caused the crash. These official police reports can serve as key evidence later in your lawsuit.

Get a full medical examination as soon as you can following the accident.

The optimal time to be medically examined after being in a car crash is right after it happens. That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to ride to the hospital in an ambulance, but adrenaline can keep you from feeling the full effects of your injuries, and some injuries will not present themselves for a few days or weeks. Even if you don’t feel hurt, It’s important for the sake of your own health to have a doctor check you out and treat you for any injuries you sustained. If you decide to take legal action later, having medical records lends more credibility to your case. The longer you wait to seek medical attention, the less likely your lawsuit will stand scrutiny, as the defending party could argue that your injuries were sustained somewhere else at another time. If you want to win your Florida car accident case, you should get as much medical documentation as possible, as soon as possible, to support your claim.

Don’t talk to the insurance companies right away, and don’t sign anything yet.

Insurance adjusters may seem friendly, but they are primarily looking out for their own interests, not yours. Every single auto insurance policy in the country requires policyholders to immediately report accidents. This means that you do need to notify your insurance company about the crash, even if it wasn’t your fault; however, “immediately” doesn’t have to mean in the moments or hours following the crash. You may be understandably unsettled after an accident. You don’t have all of the details, only your perspective, and you don’t yet know the full extent of your injuries. That, combined with all of the emotions you may experience after being hurt, could lead you to say something incriminating that the insurance company could hold against you. Wait until later in the day or even the next morning to notify the insurance company. Do not admit fault when speaking to them, make a recorded statement, or agree to sign anything, as this could hurt your case later.

You are under no legal obligation to notify the other person’s insurance company, however, and you should not do so if you want to win your Florida car accident case. Even more so than your own insurer, the other driver’s insurance company will do everything they can to find evidence that you were at fault for the crash and that your injuries are minor or nonexistent. Anything you say when speaking to them can jeopardize your chances at recovering a fair, full settlement, so you should avoid talking to them and let a representative do it for you on your behalf! Which brings us to our next tip…

Hire a Florida car accident lawyer with a winning reputation.

This is really the most important tip on this list. More than anything else, the determining factor in whether or not you win your Florida car accident case will be the quality of legal representation you have behind you. Alone, the insurance companies have no reason to negotiate with you or respect you; having a lawyer on your side changes that, as you have an advocate who can deal with them while you focus on healing. A lawyer can explain your options, investigate your case, advise you on the best course of action, accurately value your injuries, communicate with insurance companies for you, and relentlessly pursue the damages you deserve. If you hire a group of aggressive, experienced, knowledgeable Florida car accident attorneys who have a track record of winning sizable settlements for car accident victims, you are more likely to achieve your desired verdict!

Don’t accept the first offer.

Insurance companies want to pay out the least amount of money possible to you so they can keep more in their own pockets. The first offer they make you will likely be a lowball; it will usually be promised to you quickly, which is designed to be attractive to injured accident victims who are hurting for cash, but if you are patient, your lawyer can play hardball and win you a much larger amount! If the insurance company isn’t willing to negotiate a fair offer, your lawyer can take your case to trial, which may result in even more damages being awarded to you.

Stay off social media until your case is resolved.

This is a tough tip to follow, but social media has derailed many injury claims that would otherwise have been successful. The defending party and their legal team, as part of their defense strategy, will often attempt to access your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other social media sites in an effort to get evidence that your injuries are not as severe as you claim or that you are not being truthful about any other part of your claim. Even if you are experiencing terrible back pain after an accident, for example, but decided to tough it out and go out for a night with friends, and selfies from that night are posted on social media, the defense could point to that to argue that your injuries aren’t holding you back from social activities and therefore shouldn’t be compensated as highly. Don’t post on social media and prevent friends from tagging you in their posts until your case is completely over!

If You Want To Win Your Florida Car Accident Case, Call The Florida Law Group Today For A Free Consultation!

There is a statute of limitations in car accident cases, so if you’ve been injured, don’t wait to call The Florida Law Group! We have over 100 years of combined experience on our team and 38 years of experience as a law firm. Our lead attorney, Chris Limberopoulos, is a board certified civil trial specialist, making him an expert in all things personal injury. You never pay our legal fees until you win your case, and we offer free initial consultations so you can get to know us, ask questions, and learn what we can do for you! Contact any of our 11 Florida locations to schedule yours today!

Being injured in a Florida car accident case can be devastating, but unfortunately, it is not an uncommon occurrence. In 2021 alone, the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) reported that 252,562 people “sustained bodily hurt or damage…as a result of a traffic crash”.

Even a “minor” car accident can result in physical, financial, and emotional burdens; a crash that leaves you seriously injured can significantly impact your life, and not for the better. You may have to take weeks or months off of work to recover, missing out on pay or on overtime pay that you would otherwise have earned. You may have to pay for medical bills for things like ambulatory transport, emergency room care, imaging tests, surgeries, hospitalization, physical therapy, chiropractic care, counseling, medications, deductibles, copays, and more. Some injuries may never heal, leaving you permanently disabled and requiring lifelong care.

If you have been injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you have the legal right to sue for all damages you sustained. This includes economic damages for the tangible costs of medical bills and lost wages discussed above, and also for non-economic damages, such as for the pain and suffering you endured as a result of your injuries, for the loss of enjoyment you now have for daily activities, and more. However, winning a car accident lawsuit is not always an easy task. As Florida car accident lawyers who have recovered over $1 billion in damages for injured car accident victims across the state and who are dedicated to winning car accident lawsuits, we know what it takes to successfully earn a fair settlement that accurately reflects how much your injuries are worth.

Here are our 6 best tips for how to win your Florida car accident case!

Call the police when the accident occurs.

We understand that the majority of people reading this blog are doing so after the accident occurred, so it may be too late for you to act on this tip. If the police weren’t called, it doesn’t mean you will lose your case, but if you or someone else did call the police, your chances of winning do increase! That’s because when police come to the scene of a car accident, they will make and file an official report. A report will include details about the crash, whether citations were issued, and the officer’s opinion (in many instances) about who caused the crash. These official police reports can serve as key evidence later in your lawsuit.

Get a full medical examination as soon as you can following the accident.

The optimal time to be medically examined after being in a car crash is right after it happens. That doesn’t mean you necessarily have to ride to the hospital in an ambulance, but adrenaline can keep you from feeling the full effects of your injuries, and some injuries will not present themselves for a few days or weeks. Even if you don’t feel hurt, It’s important for the sake of your own health to have a doctor check you out and treat you for any injuries you sustained. If you decide to take legal action later, having medical records lends more credibility to your case. The longer you wait to seek medical attention, the less likely your lawsuit will stand scrutiny, as the defending party could argue that your injuries were sustained somewhere else at another time. If you want to win your Florida car accident case, you should get as much medical documentation as possible, as soon as possible, to support your claim.

Don’t talk to the insurance companies right away, and don’t sign anything yet.

Insurance adjusters may seem friendly, but they are primarily looking out for their own interests, not yours. Every single auto insurance policy in the country requires policyholders to immediately report accidents. This means that you do need to notify your insurance company about the crash, even if it wasn’t your fault; however, “immediately” doesn’t have to mean in the moments or hours following the crash. You may be understandably unsettled after an accident. You don’t have all of the details, only your perspective, and you don’t yet know the full extent of your injuries. That, combined with all of the emotions you may experience after being hurt, could lead you to say something incriminating that the insurance company could hold against you. Wait until later in the day or even the next morning to notify the insurance company. Do not admit fault when speaking to them, make a recorded statement, or agree to sign anything, as this could hurt your case later.

You are under no legal obligation to notify the other person’s insurance company, however, and you should not do so if you want to win your Florida car accident case. Even more so than your own insurer, the other driver’s insurance company will do everything they can to find evidence that you were at fault for the crash and that your injuries are minor or nonexistent. Anything you say when speaking to them can jeopardize your chances at recovering a fair, full settlement, so you should avoid talking to them and let a representative do it for you on your behalf! Which brings us to our next tip…

Hire a Florida car accident lawyer with a winning reputation.

This is really the most important tip on this list. More than anything else, the determining factor in whether or not you win your Florida car accident case will be the quality of legal representation you have behind you. Alone, the insurance companies have no reason to negotiate with you or respect you; having a lawyer on your side changes that, as you have an advocate who can deal with them while you focus on healing. A lawyer can explain your options, investigate your case, advise you on the best course of action, accurately value your injuries, communicate with insurance companies for you, and relentlessly pursue the damages you deserve. If you hire a group of aggressive, experienced, knowledgeable Florida car accident attorneys who have a track record of winning sizable settlements for car accident victims, you are more likely to achieve your desired verdict!

Don’t accept the first offer.

Insurance companies want to pay out the least amount of money possible to you so they can keep more in their own pockets. The first offer they make you will likely be a lowball; it will usually be promised to you quickly, which is designed to be attractive to injured accident victims who are hurting for cash, but if you are patient, your lawyer can play hardball and win you a much larger amount! If the insurance company isn’t willing to negotiate a fair offer, your lawyer can take your case to trial, which may result in even more damages being awarded to you.

Stay off social media until your case is resolved.

This is a tough tip to follow, but social media has derailed many injury claims that would otherwise have been successful. The defending party and their legal team, as part of their defense strategy, will often attempt to access your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and other social media sites in an effort to get evidence that your injuries are not as severe as you claim or that you are not being truthful about any other part of your claim. Even if you are experiencing terrible back pain after an accident, for example, but decided to tough it out and go out for a night with friends, and selfies from that night are posted on social media, the defense could point to that to argue that your injuries aren’t holding you back from social activities and therefore shouldn’t be compensated as highly. Don’t post on social media and prevent friends from tagging you in their posts until your case is completely over!

If You Want To Win Your Florida Car Accident Case, Call The Florida Law Group Today For A Free Consultation!

There is a statute of limitations in car accident cases, so if you’ve been injured, don’t wait to call The Florida Law Group! We have over 100 years of combined experience on our team and 38 years of experience as a law firm. Our lead attorney, Chris Limberopoulos, is a board certified civil trial specialist, making him an expert in all things personal injury. You never pay our legal fees until you win your case, and we offer free initial consultations so you can get to know us, ask questions, and learn what we can do for you! Contact any of our 11 Florida locations to schedule yours today!
